Monday, October 12, 2009

No, I Am Not Watching Porn

Since I have no TV, nor cable yet, I have recently become obsessed with everything Hulu.

I have found out that I am not a TV show junkie, but I am a TV show online junkie. It's less loser-ish, I think. 

Originally only using Hulu to catch up on The Office and It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia (Sunny, my all time favorite show), once I caught up on my episodes, I found myself bored and started searching for other shows to rot my brain. I found that I now love Glee, Cougar Town, Community, and Modern Family. I wait until the day after the airing, then I get my fix. I love it. It's pure genius, and it teaches me patience. I've learned to wait a day. It's great. I now have something I can relate to my life outside of Hulu. Thanks, Hulu, for teaching me patience and life values.

As if Hulu wasn't cool enough already, I somehow found a movie on Hulu... something I did not know existed. The movie that I came across? Strictly Sexual.

I'm not going to ramble about the movie at all, except to tell you that you need to stop reading this right this instant, head on over to Hulu, and watch this movie for yourself. It is hilarious. Complete twist on gender stereotypes and I can't get enough. 

One word of advice though, make sure to tell anyone in listening proximity that you are infact, NOT watching porn. Also, be sure to advise yourself that you are infact, not watching porn, because you may get confused.

Pricey Puppy Treats

If I were to win the lottery, one of the things I would do for myself would be to purchase one of every single item from my favorite store, Anthropologie. If you are unaware of the gold mine known as Anthropologie, then let me sum it up for you.

Anthropology in 10 words: Expensive retail targeted towards young women who can't afford anything.

Apparently, I'm one of those targeted women, because I always happen to drool over everything in that damned store.

Well, it's not like I can walk in there and not afford anything. I can afford quite a bit of their things, but it's the price for everyday or novelty items that just baffles me time and time again.

In great example of this: A 5lb can of dog biscuits priced at a steep $68.

Okay, so, I love my dogs like they're my babies (Maggie age 14, Clyde age 5, and Shemp age 4), but I will not spend $68 on a can of dog treats. I love them so dearly, that in my household, any 10lb bag of pup treats from Costco would be history in a matter of a week. Let alone a 5lb can. I'm pretty sure that my dogs would be horrified to know that I spent more, only for my treat-giving to be less generous. 

So, Anthropologie, in the interest of the k9, leave it to Pedigree.

It's Always Butter With Apple Butter

Although I am currently living in a city with a constant weather forecast of "cloudy with low fog rolling in around 2pm," I can still live up the warm, cozy, fall season. My favorite season, fall, offers some of the best things kept exclusive to a particular time. One of those things? Apple butter!
Now, I love apple butter, but there are some fall treats that I definitely favor over apple butter; However, this was one of the first things I stumbled upon that just shouted "autumn." 

Delicious on toast or poured over a bowl of vanilla bean ice cream, this apple butter recipe will be sure to butter you up for fall season.


It is clear that the mustache is making a comeback, specifically in the urban scene. Obviously it's trendy to ride a fixed gear and sport a stache. As molester-creepy as the stache is, I can't resist.

Bake It Pretty has jumped onto the mustache bandwagon, along with all of the hipsters. And I like it.

I present to you, a mustache lollipop mold.

Fill it with chocolate or hard candy, and you have a mustache lolli. Stache sucker... catch on quickly, because this is going to take off faster than a Boeing 747.

Find it here.